Smart Insure Blog

COVID-19 and your money: 7 things to do right now

Sourced from We’re living in such a changed world that it can feel overwhelming. The coronavirus has upended our working lives, our kids’ lives, and our money lives as well. That said, there's a lot we can do: here are 7 things to do straight away....

Stay at home and flatten the curve

So as we get close to entering the second week of lock down most of us obeying the rules of staying at home and isolating within your bubbles. Not only will you save lives but will help us get out of level 4 quicker as opposed to it going on for months. It all started...

Government and Bank Support during COVID-19

Whilst we suggest getting advice from your lawyer and/or accountant during the COVID-19 crisis here are a list of options you have: Employer Support/ Wage Subsidies The COVID-19 Wage Subsidy and Employer Support will be paid at a flat rate of:$585.80 for people...

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