Smart Insure Blog
Latest Update on Life Insurance and Income Protection with COVID-19
The recent events of the global pandemic of COVID-19 has had global re insurers scrambling to change their underwriting guidelines with their insurance companies. When you take out a life insurance policy or income protection insurance policy the insurance company in...
Covid-19: Insurers make exclusions in some new policy offers
Sourced from on 1st April Life and health insurers are trimming their policy offerings in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, because some risks linked to the virus are deemed too great. Partners Life founder and risk expert Naomi Ballantyne said it was...
Looking to reduce your Life Insurance Premiums due to COVID-19 – read this first
Like the banks and the Government, insurers are also offering premium holidays and policy suspension - due to the COVID-19 lockdown. Firstly pole should firstly look at the options around premium holidays rather than first cancelling their policies. Each insurer has...
Pitfalls lie in wait for households seeking to trim their insurance costs
Sourced from LAWRENCE SMITH/STUFF"We will put them on a premium holiday for six months with full cover, no premiums, which is literally giving them free cover for six months," Partners Life managing director Naomi Ballantyne says. Insurers are offering...
COVID-19 and your money: 7 things to do right now
Sourced from We’re living in such a changed world that it can feel overwhelming. The coronavirus has upended our working lives, our kids’ lives, and our money lives as well. That said, there's a lot we can do: here are 7 things to do straight away....
Here’s the answer to some of your Life Insurance Questions regarding COVID-19
If you have existing Life Insurance then yes, you will have cover for Coronavirus or COVID-19 – if you pass away from COVID-19 then your policy will pay (provided the conditions set in your policy are met, of course, and this applies to ALL insurance types). At the...
Stay at home and flatten the curve
So as we get close to entering the second week of lock down most of us obeying the rules of staying at home and isolating within your bubbles. Not only will you save lives but will help us get out of level 4 quicker as opposed to it going on for months. It all started...
Government and Bank Support during COVID-19
Whilst we suggest getting advice from your lawyer and/or accountant during the COVID-19 crisis here are a list of options you have: Employer Support/ Wage Subsidies The COVID-19 Wage Subsidy and Employer Support will be paid at a flat rate of:$585.80 for people...
COVID-19 – Coronavirus and what you need to know in regards to Life Insurance
For people rushing out to get Life Insurance NZ or Funeral cover you need to read this first. Several insurers are changing their policy wordings or asking further questions in regards to your potential exposure to COVID-19 or putting limitations on cover for next 12...
Coronavirus: Kiwis are seeking income protection insurance – but beware
Sourced from Coronavirus business package will be ‘most significant’ Jacinda Ardern will announce as PM Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern...