Customer Testimonials

Grant and Pauline, Wellington

The team at Smart Insure went above and beyond the call of duty. When one companies offer was not acceptable to them they tendered my business out and got me a far better outcome than the original insurer we went to. These guys work for the client.

Grant and Pauline, Wellington
P Joynt & K Coluccio

Marcus has been a huge help to my partner and I while we worked through a couple of claims and making changes to our policy. He happily answered all of our queries and gave us honest answers. He absolutely has gone the extra mile in assisting us. We would definitely recommend his services. He also did all this for free as we have retained our existing policy which our original broker recieves the commission for.

P Joynt & K ColuccioChristchurch
J Francis

Marcus from Smart InsureĀ helped us every step of the way from our initial contact through the website to setting up the policy and explaining all the small print.

J FrancisTauranga
C Donovan

Thanks for making the process easy. All in place – much appreciated.

C DonovanAuckland
F Liu

Excellent communication and appreciate the rebate!

F LiuAuckland
W Simmons

Very happy with service, made it very easy for us to switch from our other provider.

W SimmonsChristchurch
A MacDonald

I received excellent communication from Smart Insure and easy to understand answers to my questions around income protection insurance. My policy is now in place and I certainly appreciated the rebate too.

A MacDonaldAuckland
A Fairclough

Excellent service with very fast responses and attention to details. A+

A FaircloughTauranga
J MacIntosh

Thanks Marcus for getting my life and health insurances sorted and explaining them in full to me. All sorted and one less thing to worry about.

J MacIntosh
J Anderson

The smart insure team made the process easy and provided me with the peace of mind that I was getting qualified advice. Many thanks – highly recommend.

J AndersonAuckland

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